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Individual score

This setting only affects the word lists

On: Each word list has individual scores on each mode option:
1-2 (English-Italian), 2-1 (Italian-English) and audio 2-1
Off: There is only one score for each word list.
The score is shared by all mode options

When leaving this setting on, you can have the conjugation shown by clicking on the three lines

Hide translations

Turn this setting on to practise the meaning af the verbs and words used in the exercises while practising conjugations and grammar.

You can have the translation displayed and check your memory by clicking on the question mark or hitting the [arrow up] key.

Ex 1

Ex 2

Ex 3

Hide infinitive

Turn this setting on to hide the infinitive of the verb in exercises where recognition of the verb is part of the exercise.

You can have the infinitive displayed and check your memory by clicking on [verb] or hitting the [arrow up] key.

You can challenge your memory further by turning the setting hide translations on at the same time:

Allows the system to respond with a .
next button

With this setting turned on you proceed from one exercise to another by clicking the button next. We recommend this setting for at calmer screen dsiplay.
Please note: You can hit the enter key instead of clicking the button.

When the setting is turned off the exercises are displayed automatically one after another without a pause.
Report an error

Make use of this function to let us know about errors and misspellings.

Turning this setting off will remove the option.

Keep score

Best: 15 5 20 (75%)
Now: 5 2 20

Green: Number of correct answers
Red: Number of wrong answers
Black: Total number of exercises
Underline: When a number increases, it is underlined

The system counts like this:
  • Right answer
    - when the answer is correct
    - when the field is empty
  • Wrong answer
    - when the field contains a wrong answer

You can correct the numbers yourself
Click on the red and green numbers next to Now to make a correction.

Remember to save your score
When you have done your exercises, you are offered to save the score as the best score.
To keep the old best score you just do not save the new one.

Which exercises have score?
  • Word lists
  • Grammar exercises
  • Exercises under my verbs
You can turn keep score on and of under settings


Read about news and updates below

Excerpt from newsletter 09/09/2024

We are happy to inform you that Lo Studio Italiano is now ready for Spanish-speaking users!

What does this mean?
While the user interface remains in English, you can now choose Spanish as the second language for word lists and translations of Italian words.
Thus, the list of supported languages now looks like this:
  • English

  • Spanish (NEW)

  • German

  • Norwegian

  • Danish

  • Japanese

On PC and tablet you will find the language menu here:

On smartphone you will find it in the top right corner of the page.

Excerpt from newsletter 06/25/2024

We are happy to inform you that you can now practise verb conjugation using whole sentences in all of the following conjugations:
  • presente
  • passato prossimo
  • imperfetto
  • condizionale
  • futuro (NEW)
  • passato remoto (NEW)

In the exercises, you're challenged to conjugate the verb in a randomly selected person, as shown in these examples:

The idea behind these exercises - apart from the verb drilling - is to invite you to activate your language skills in a freer way.

You do this by adding something - freely from your imagination and your vocabulary - to each sentence.
It could be something like this (in italics):
- adesso finiamo il lavoro e poi andremo in Italia.

- vinceranno la partita, secondo te?
Or this:
- andremo in Italia se i nostri genitori ce lo permettono.

- saranno i campioni se vinceranno la partita domani?

Please note: Only enter the verb form in the field, not your own additions.

You will find the exercises here
Please go to www.lostudioitaliano.com, log in and click on verbs, my studio and select one of the conjugations listed at the top of this e-mail.
Choose the one person option for exercises with complete sentences:

More verb exercises?
Feel free to explore and try out various types of verb exercises on this demo page!

Excerpt from newsletter 02/05/2024

Now you can get more help and useful tips on how to best use Lo Studio Italiano.

Today, we are releasing two video tutorials:

Go to our tutorials to start a video.

Excerpt from newsletter 01/15/2024

We're continuing our update of the verb conjugation exercises, and from today you can practise the condizionale tense with complete sentences.

In these exercises, you're challenged to conjugate the verb in a randomly selected person, as shown in these examples:

In addition to practising verb conjugation, the idea behind these exercises is that you can use them to familiarize yourself with the meaning of the condizionale tense. You do this by adding some context to the sentences that substantiates the use of condizionale.

For example, you could add a conditional clause expressing something about the present:
- se non piovesse faremmo una passeggiata.

- se vivessi a Napoli mangerei la pizza ogni giorno.
Or about the past:
- se non avessimo mangiato troppo faremmo una passeggiata..

- mangerei la pizza se il medico non me l'avesse proibito
This way, you activate your vocabulary, strengthen your understanding of the use of condizionale and practise conditional constructions.
NOTE: You only enter the verb form in the field, not your additions.

How to get started
Please go to www.lostudioitaliano.com, log in and click on verbs, my studio, condizionale.
Choose the one person option for exercises with complete sentences:

More verb exercises?
Feel free to explore and try out various types of verb exercises on this demo page!

Excerpt from newsletter 11/13/2023

Now you can also practise the imperfetto tense in complete sentences!

In the exercises, you're challenged to conjugate the verb in a randomly selected person, as shown in these examples:

In addition to practising verb conjugation, you will become familiar with a wide range of common expressions and phrases such as andare in montagna and dormire sul divano as in the examples above.

But you can gain even more from the exercises!

Try to add some context to the sentences that substantiates the imperfetto tense.
It could be something like this:
- andavamo spesso in montagna.

- mentre io pulivo tutta la casa mio marito dormiva sul divano.
Or this:
- quando ero piccolo andavamo in montagna ogni estate.

- mio zio dormiva sempre sul divano quando veniva a trovarci

In this way, you activate your vocabulary and strengthen your understanding of the use of the imperfetto tense.
Note: Enter only the verb form in the field, not your additions.

How to get started
Please go to www.lostudioitaliano.com, log in and click on verbs, my studio, imperfetto.
Choose the one person option for exercises with complete sentences:

More verb exercises?
Feel free to explore and try out various types of verb exercises on this demo page!

Excerpt from newsletter 10/30/2023

We are continuing to introduce new verb exercises featuring complete sentences, and we have now reached the 'presente' tense!

In these exercises, you'll be challenged to conjugate the verb in a randomly selected person, as shown in these examples:

In addition to practising verb conjugation, the idea behind the exercises is:
  • To familiarize you with a wide range of common expressions and phrases such as guardare la TV and fare i compiti. Translations are provided alongside the exercises.

  • To encourage you to activate your Italian vocabulary by adding something to the sentences.
    For example, you can start with something simple like tis::
    - guardo la TV dalle 20 alle 22.

    - fanno i compiti ogni giorno?
    You can also create longer sentences like:
    - quando ho finito di lavorare, torno a casa e preparo da mangiare. Poi, dopo aver cenato, mi faccio un caffè e guardo la TV.

    - i tuoi figli fanno i compiti da soli o li aiuti?
    Take your time with each exercise, visualize the scene, play it in your head, and say it out loud!
    Note: Enter only the verb form in the field, not your additions.

Great! How do I get started?
Please go to www.lostudioitaliano.com, log in and click on verbs, my studio, presente.
Choose the one person option for exercises with complete sentences:

If you select all persons, you'll practise with whole conjugations:

Feel free to explore various types of verb exercises on this demo page!
Excerpt from newsletter 10/02/2023

We're now beginning the rollout of a major update to the verb conjugation exercises, which we hope will give you even more benefits, activate your Italian and make your practice more fun!

With this update you will not only be practising the conjugation forms, you will at the same time:
  • Learn the use of each verb.
    What are the typical expressions and which prepositions etc. go with them?

  • Be challenged to understand what the conjugation expresses.
    In what context would the sentence make sense?
What we have done is to add a number of typical phrases and expressions for each verb, making the exercises look like this:

The idea in the example above is:
  • To familiarise you with the expressions tornare a casa and cambiare argomento. Translations are included with the exercises.

  • To have you activate your Italian and practise your understanding of what the conjugation expresses. You do this by adding something to the sentence that puts it into context and substantiates the tense of the verb.
    It could be something like this:
    sono tornata a casa abbastanza tardi ieri sera

    i colleghi hanno cambiato argomento quando è entrato il capo
Take your time with each exercise, use your imagination and the words you already know - keep it simple!
NOTE: You only enter the verb form in the field, not your additions.
But we encourage you say the whole thing out loud!

There are more than 6000 small sentences to practise with, and you will find them under verbs, my studio, passato prossimo. Other conjugations will follow later.

Please try for yourself on this demo page!

Excerpt from newsletter 03/06/2023

Which indefinite article goes with the noun bicchiere?
And what about voce?

To answer this question you need to know the gender of the noun, and that means looking it up in a dictionary.

Now we have made things easier for you!

If, when doing an exercise, you need to know the gender of a noun ending in -e you can now easily find it. Just look for a question mark in parentheses right after the noun, as here with notte:

The idea is that you start by searching your memory for the gender. If still in doubt, just click on the question mark to have the gender displayed:

The help described above is now available with all grammar exercises.
Please note: You can hit the [arrow up] key instead af clicking the question mark.

You can also practise gender and meaning of these nouns using the word list nouns on -e:

Please only enter the meaning of the word, not the gender, when working with this list.

Excerpt from newsletter 01/31/2023

Today we are introducing the option to do verb drills by ear!

Under verbs, my studio you have the exercises singular to plural and change conjugation. Here you will find two new mode-settings: writing and audio:

When choosing the audio option the verb in the sentence mandi un regalo will be replaced by an audio icon () like this:

You will then be challenged to recognize the verb and its form from the audio alone.

Tips and tricks
Please make sure to have the automatic playback turned on () at the top of the page. Click on the audio icon (1) - or hit the [arrow down] key on the keyboard - to have the audio repeated. You can also get help by having the infinitive of the verb displayed (2). Finally you have the option to peek at the whole conjugation (3).

More training for the ear
Did you know that you can also practise vocabulary by ear?
Click on a word list, for example animals, and choose audio under mode:

This will challenge your ear in the same way:

We hope you will enjoy the new options!

Excerpt from newsletter 01/16/2023

In order to conjugate an Italian verb correctly you often need to be able to remember the infinitive of the verb.

For example, to rewrite the sentence quando esci? to passato prossimo you will first need to remember that esci comes from the verb uscire (the infinitive) in order to be able to form the passato prossimo.

This is now a part of the exercises as the infinitive is now hidden, substituted with the graphic [verb].

If you have trouble remembering the infinitive you just click on [verb] to have it displayed.

Under settings () you can choose what to hide in the exercises:

If you have both hide translations and hide infinitive turned on the exercise will look like this:

- and your memory will be challenged to come up with all of it.
Try different settings and see where you gain the most.

Excerpt from newsletter 11/14/2022

We know from your feedback (thanks!) that the translations of the vocab in the exercises are of great help.

We will, however, be hiding them now... by replacing the translations with question marks.
Like this:

And why is that?

The idea is to force you brain to search for the meaning of the Italian words in your memory instead of letting the eyes look for at written translation. In other words the purpose is to work out your memory a bit more. :-)

Should you - in the end - need help with an Italian word, you just click on the question mark to have the translation displayed.

Please note: On a computer you can hit the [arrow up]-key instead of clicking the question marks to have all translations displayed at once.
If the key does not work, please put the cursor in the answer field and try again.

If you prefer to keep the translations displayed at all times, please go to settings () and turn off hide translations.

Hide translations is deactivated in demo mode.
Excerpt from newsletter 10/31/2022

Today we are releasing another type of exercises where you will be working with whole sentences.

We call these exercises change conjugation, and you will find them under verbs, my studio:

In these exercises you are challenged to rewrite a sentence changing the verb from one conjugation to another, as in this example from presente to passato prossimo:

Or here from passato prossimo to imperfetto:

You can practise recognition of the conjugations at the same time by including multiple conjugations in the exercises. In this example we are rewriting from imperfetto, condizionale, futuro to presente. Can you see which is which?

Tip: When practising on the site you can have a peek at both conjugations in each exercise by clicking the three lines ().

What the conjugations express
The idea of the change conjugation exercises - apart from the verb drilling - is to train and develop you understanding of what the conjugations express.
First you will need to consult an Italian learning book to have a basic introduction to the conjugations and their use. Then you can start practising the conjugations in this way:

Try to imagine a situation where the individual sentence makes sense. Add some context to it that substantiates what is expressed by the conjugation.

In the following examples we rewrite the sentences from presente to another conjugation adding some context in parenthesis:

Rewrite to passato prossimo
(Mario) parte per Roma (fra poco)
(Mario) è partito per Roma (due ore fa)
Rewrite to imperfetto
andiamo in Grecia (quest'anno)
andavamo in Grecia (ogni estate quando ero piccolo)
Rewrite to condizionale
faccio una passeggiata (ogni sera)
farei una passeggiata (se non fossi così stanco)
Take you time with each sentence and imagine a context where it makes sense. Imagine the scene, play it in your head and say the sentence including you own added context out loud!
You will gain a lot from it, and hopefully - it will be fun. :-)

Please note: You only enter the verb in the answer field, not you own added context.

All exercises come with translations of the vocabulary.
You can try out some examples on this demo page.

Excerpt from newsletter 09/20/2022

We have been looking forward to this!
After months of development we are finally releasing a new type of exercises where you will be learning a lot of common expressions whilst practising verb conjugations.

We call these exercises singular to plural, and you will find them under verbs, my studio:

In the exercises you are challenged to recognize and rewrite a verb from singular to plural form:

- or vice versa, from plural to singular:

You can choose to have exercises in one conjugation only as in the examples above (presente), or you can include multiple conjugations and thereby be challenged to recognize the conjugation as well.
In the following example we have chosen to include presente, condizionale and imperfetto:

The exercises come with translations of the words allowing you to practise without the need of a dictionary. You can choose from English, German, Norwegian and Danish translations.

Get more familiar with the verbs
How do you use a given verb?
What would you typically say with it?
Are there any common expressions?
Does it take a preposition - and which one?

To every one of the 479 verbs available we have attached a large number of small example sentences, and the system picks out a new sentence every time a given verb is used. Say the sentence out loud(!) and try to imagine a situation where the sentence would be used, first to one person (singular) and then to more people (plural) - or vice cersa. That will give you a better understanding of how to use the verbs and it will make the drills more fun. :-)

Report an error
There is a large number of example sentences (thousands) and translations, and it would be a great help if you would give us a hint if you spot any errors. Just click on report an error under the translations:

Thansk a lot!
You can turn off this function under settings ().

We hope you will enjoy the new exercises!
You can try out some examples on this demo page (at the bottom).

Excerpt from newsletter 09/05/2022

This newsletter is to inform you of some improvements that we have just added to Lo Studio Italiano.

Improved design on the exercises
The most important changes are found on the computer version.
Here the design on a number of exercises has been changed to look like this:

As you can see the input field has been replaced in the exercise by the graphics [...], and the field is now places under the exercise.

After entering you answer and clicking the check button the correct answer is displayed along with a next button. You then click this button in order to proceed:

Please note: You can hit the enter key on your keyboard instead of clicking on check and next.
The purpose of these changes is to keep the screen display as calm as possible as you practise.
We hope you will like it!

You can remove the next button if you prefer yo practise without it and move directly to the next exercise. This is done by opening the settings () and switching the setting to off:

That's it for now!
Please reload the page in your browser (press Ctrl+F5) for all changes to take place.

Excerpt from newsletter 11/02/2020

Today we are releasing a new type of exercises on congiuntivo presente!

In these execises you are challenged to insert the correct form of the verb as shown in the following examples:
quando apre il negozio?
- credo che apra fra poco

cosa dice Marco? (prendere)
- vuole che tu prenda la medicina

cosa fanno i bambini? (giocare)
- spero che giochino

Try it out on this demo page!

We have named this new type of exercises che + congiuntivo, and you will find it under verbs, my studio.
This screenshot is from the PC-version:

As always you can adjust the exercises to make them fit your own level and increase the level of difficulty at your own pace.
Excerpt from newsletter 10/19/2020

Today we are releasing a new feature regarding the exercises on pronouns!

You can now practise where to put the pronoun in sentences having both a modal verb (volere, dovere, potere) and a main verb.
vuoi comprare la macchina?

sì, la voglio comprare
sì, voglio comprarla
To do this please go to grammar, accusative and dative pronouns and choose the setting with modal verbs and I write - as shown here:

The exercises on pronouns can be adapted to fit all levels from beginner to advanced and you can gradually add more pronouns, conjugations and now also modal verbs.
Try out different exercises on this demo page
Excerpt from newsletter 10/05/2020

We know from feedback from many of you how much the audio helps to get the pronunciation right and to remember the words.

We are therefore happy now to be able to offer audio on even more exercises.

When doing the grammar exercises you will now find audio on the glossary displayed right under each exercise.
This example is from an exercise on rewriting the sentence in plural:

You just click on the glossary to hear the pronunciation.
Please note: Only words written in blue have audio. Not all words have audio.

Try it out on this demo page
- of our exercises on Italian adjective endings and agreement.
Excerpt from newsletter 09/14/2020

Today we are launching a new feature!

When practising the conjugations of the verbs you can now increase the challenge by testing yourself on the meaning of the verb as well.

How it works is that the English translation of the verb is hidden and will only be shown when you click on the question mark:

When working on a computer you can hit the [arrow up] key instead of clicking on the question mark.

Please note:
By default this new feature is disabled.
Please do the following to turn it on:
  • Go to www.lostudioitaliano.com
  • Log in
  • Go to settings by clicking on the wheel at the top ()
  • Turn hide translation of verb on (by clicking on off).
Excerpt from newsletter 09/01/2020

Is it time to pick up your Italian studies again?

Below you will find inspiration on how to brush up your Italian on Lo Studio Italiano. Get an overview on these demo pages and try out different exercises!
Excerpt from newsletter 10/29/2019

Today we are releasing a new feature where you can practice both the partitive articles and bello (put before the noun)!

You can practice the two things separately or in combination:
  • Insert partitive article (di + definite article)
    c'è del pane (some bread)
    ci sono degli alberi (some trees)
  • Insert bello
    è un bell'albergo
    sono due bei bambini
  • Insert partitive article + bello
    ci sono delle belle montagne
    ci sono dei begli alberi
You will find the exercises under grammar, and you can select and add them under a quiz as well.
Excerpt from newsletter 10/01/2019

Many of you have requested exercises on the Italian verb
- and we are happy now to be able to meet your request!

Today we are releasing a feature with two types of exercises:
  • Answer with piacere
    Ex: Ti piace la torta? - sì, mi piace molto
  • Rewrite with piacere
    Ex: (Maria) ama il gelato - le piace il gelato
You have full control of the level of difficulty of the exercises and can proceed at your own pace.
Read more about the possibilities and try out the exercises on piacere (demo page).

You will find the exercises under the grammar section.
Excerpt from newsletter 09/09/2019

Would you like to increase you Italian vocabulary?

Then start learning with our many interactive word lists that will train your memory, your ear, your pronunciation and your spelling!
Read more and try out the different possibilities on this demo page:
Please note that you can bring Lo Studio Italiano with you on your smartphone or tablet and practice whenever it suits you (see below).

Web apps for smartphones and tablets
To access Lo Studio Italiano on your smartphone or your tablet you just go to the site through the browser. The site will automatically detect your device and direct you to the version (web app) suited for your screen size. Internet access is required.
Excerpt from newsletter 08/26/2019

Below you will find a list of demo pages where you can find inspiration on how to brush up your Italian on Lo Studio Italiano. Get an overview and try out different exercises!
See what the users think

Follow us on Facebook for more news and inspiration!
Click on the above link and then click on the Follow button.
Excerpt from newsletter 10/30/2017

We have just implemented a large update of Lo Studio Italiano - we hope you will enjoy it! :-)

Below you will find a presentation of a few of the new features:

That verb... how does it go...?
Do you know the feeling of being totally blank when challenged to conjugate an Italian verb? This new feature enables you to have a peek at the conjugation before trying yourself. You just click on the three lines:
Please note: You can disable this feature under settings ().

Easy editing of verb lists and quiz
When editing a verb list like for example presente, you can now choose between having all verbs listed or only the chosen verbs. The latter option gives you a quick overview of the verbs on the list and makes it easy for you to deselect:
You will find the same options under quiz.

Initial adaption of word lists
When starting working with a new word list you will now initially be asked to adapt the list by choosing the words you wish to include. This will only happen the first time you open a list. You can always change your settings later by clicking on adapt.

That was some of the new features - you will find more on the site. :-)

Follow us on Facebook for more news and inspiration!
Click on the link above and then click on the Follow button.
Excerpt from newsletter 10/30/2017

What is the Italian name for the character @?
How do you say e-mail address in Italian?
What about attach or forward?

Test yourself with our new word list and learn a lot of useful Italian expressions about IT and internet!

New word list

IT and internet
You will find the list here under vocabulary, Studio.
The list holds 117 words and expressions - with audio!

English Italian
download scaricare
portable portatile
search function (la) funzione di ricerca
folder cartella
print (verb) stampare

How to increase your vocabulary
Practicing new words can be highly efficient.
Here are some good advice:
  • Always adapt the word list you are working with including only 5-10 new words at a time (click on adapt)
  • Vary the way you practice by shifting between mode settings

    • 1-2, 2-1
      Choose one of these settings to practice from English to Italian or vice versa
    • Audio
      Let go of the writing and sharpen your ears!
    • Dictation
      Improve your spelling! This will help you to remember the words as well.

  • Add difficult words to the repeat fuction as you go along (click on +)
  • Try to beat your own score!
    You can have individual score on all mode settings. Make your choises under settings ()
  • The more often you practice the better. Please note that you can access you exercises on your smartphone or your tablet as well and practice on the go.

Web apps for smartphones and tablets
To access Lo Studio Italiano on your smartphone or your tablet you just go to the site through the browser. The site will automatically detect your device and direct you to the version (web app) suited for your screen size. Internet access is required.
Excerpt from newsletter 09/19/2017

It's finally here!
Today we are releasing the 2.0 version of Lo Studio Italiano.

So, what's new?
  • We have given the design a good, general makeover.
    Hopefully you will find it nicer and more user friendly.
  • Choose between different color schemes (hit the settings symbol )
  • Brand new web apps for smartphones and tablets!
    We have put a lot of work into a design suitable for the smaller screens and touch control.
We hope you will enjoy the new version - and learn a lot of Italian!
Please feel free to write us about any comments you may have. We highly appreciate your feedback.
Excerpt from newsletter 11/21/2016

We recently introduced exercises with imperativo + pronoun.
devi aprire la finestra

Today we are adding exercises of the same kind but with reflexive and special verbs.

Reflexive verbs
(alzarsi, tu)

(fermarsi, Lei), signore
si fermi, signore!

Special verbs (i verbi pronominali)
(andarsene, tu)

(cavarsela, voi)

You will find the exercises with imperativo + pronoun under grammar.
We hope you will enjoy them!
Excerpt from newsletter 11/07/2016

Today we are introducing a new grammatical topic: Imperativo + pronoun
We have been looking forward to this! And we hope you will like it. :-)

See a short introduction below, and find the exercises here

How to get started:
The system offers different settings that influence the exercises and the level of difficulty.
We recommend a slow approach. ;-)

Start by choosing regular verbs, accusative pronouns, tu under persons and positive under 'non':
devi chiudere la porta

devi mangiare gli spinaci

Later you could add Lei under persons:
deve prendere le arance, signora
le prenda, signora!

Or try the negative form:
non devi toccare il gatto
non toccarlo
non lo toccare

Finally you could add dative pronouns:
devi raccontare la storia a Luisa
raccontale la storia!

Or even double pronouns(!):
devi raccontare la storia a Luisa

Tip: Often the audio of the verb part (above: racconta) will be available. This will help you putting the stress right.
Tip: By combining different settings you can have mixed exercises - and challenge yourself!
Tip: The topic is available under quiz as well.
Excerpt from newsletter 10/17/2016

How do you say window seat or boarding pass in Italian?
And how do you ask: Is this seat free?

Test yourself with our new word list and learn a lot of useful travel expressions!

New word list

You will find it here under word lists.
The list holds 103 words and expressions - with audio!

English Italian
suitcase valigia
time of departure orario di partenza
hand luggage bagaglio a mano
waiting room sala d'attesa, sala d'aspetto
bagage claim ritiro bagagli
Excerpt from newsletter 03/07/2016

We are now ready with a whole new type of verb exercises!

Question and answer
In these exercises we try to imitate real life conversation, where you first have to recognize the tense used in the question and then form a meaningful answer.
vai al cinema?sì, vado al cinema
quando siete tornati?siamo tornati tardi
prenderesti l'autobus?no, prenderei il treno
dove andrai?andrò a casa
volevi dormire?sì, volevo dormire
dove passaste le vacanze?passammo le vacanze al mare
cosa stai bevendo?sto bevendo il vino
You decide which verbs and conjugations to include in the drills. You can choose freely from 184 verbs and the following conjugations:
presente, passato prossimo, imperfetto, condizionale, futuro, passato remoto, stare + gerundio

You can see the name of the conjugation in each specific exercise by hovering the mouse over the question mark to the right (see below). By clicking on the question mark you can have the whole conjugation displayed:

vuoi dormire?sì, voglio dormire+ ?

Make use of the audio feature and learn a lot faster!
A great deal of the exercises have audio on the verb part of both question and answer. We recomend enabling the audio and thereby training recognition of the conjugations by ear. Also, you will learn a lot by repeating the verb or the whole sentence out loud(!).

Please note: When going from one exercise to the next you might encounter a show-button. This is to prevent the simultaneous playback of different audio files. Just hit the Return-key once more (or click) to move on.
Excerpt from newsletter 01/11/2016

Would you like to improve your Italian spelling?
We now have a new tool ready that will help you get it right! :-)

You can now use the word lists for Italian dictation! You will find dictation below the other options under mode:

The Italian word will then be played back and you will be challenged to spell what you hear:

Tip: Hit the [arrow down] key (PC and Mac), or click on the audio symbol to have the audio repeated.
Tip: Repeat the word out loud before spelling. In this way you will preactice your pronunciation as well, and you will become more aware of the relation of pronunciation and writing.
Tip: Adapt the list before practicing.
Tip: Set individual score to the on position on my page if you wish to have individual score for each mode setting.

Try it out now at www.lostudioitaliano.com
- and improve your Italian spelling and pronounciation!

More Italian pronunciation and spelling
Please visit our pronunciation guide where you can learn everything you need to know about Italian pronunciation and spelling.
Excerpt from newsletter 10/25/2015

When practicing with new words in Lo studio italiano both the writing and the audio will help you recognize the Italian word and recall the meaning of it.
When talking to an italian in real life your brain will have to make sense of the words from the audio part alone. To imitate this we have added a new function to the word lists that will allow you to practice only by ear.

We call this new function audio, and you will find it along with the other mode settings:

In audio mode the writing is replaced by an audio symbol, and the word will be played back for you:

Try it out now: www.lostudioitaliano.com
- and sharpen your ears! :-)

Repeat audio
We have added two new ways for you to have the audio repeated:
  • Click on the audio symbol
  • Press the [arrow down] key (PC and Mac)
    Please note: The cursor must be in the input field for this to work

Individual score
It can be both fun and efficient to compete against your own score. :-)
We have now made it possible for you to have individual scores on the three different ways of practicing with the word lists: 1-2 (English-Italian), 2-1 (Italian-English) and audio 2-1
Please note: As a default individual score is turned off. Go to my page to turn it on (log in).
Excerpt from newsletter 10/04/2015

The holidays have just begun and you have arrived to your favorite corner of Italy to the beautiful house you have rented for two weeks. Now you will need to make the household work - and for this purpose a few Italian words could come in handy. :-)

New word list

Household goods
You will find the list here under word lists.
The list holds 76 useful words - all with audio!

English Italian
dishwasher (la) lavatrice
broom scopa
matches fiammiferi (m.pl.)
battery pila
light bulb lampadina

Tip: Start by adapting the list including only the words you wish to learn:
  • log in
  • click on the word list
  • click on adapt
  • follow the instructions
Excerpt from newsletter 09/13/2015

How do you get started with the Italian verbs? There are so many, and it can be difficult to decide where to start and how to proceed...
To meet this challenge we have developed a new function that will make things a lot easier. :-)

It makes good sense to learn the most frequent verbs, and it is important as well to be able to focus on the conjugations individually. You can now do both at the same time!
My verbs
When clicking on presente under My studio, My verbs, you will now see the following:

The bar above indicates that the verbs are arranged according to the conjugations (-are, -ere etc.) in presente. The new thing is that you can now have the verbs listed alphabetically or by frequency under each conjugation. Listing by frequency in presente looks like this:
-are -ere -ire -ire (-isc-) Irreg. verbs
When listing the verbs by frequency you then just start from the top of the conjugation(s) you are learning, and then you gradually work you way through the verbs.
Simple, right? :-)

Please note: The system will remember your verbs and help you stay on the right track.
Excerpt from newsletter 04/07/2015

We are working on different new ways of practicing with the word lists, and as a first step in this process we are happy to inform you of the following improvements:
Word lists
When running a word list you will now see the following:

This is where you make your settings regarding:
  • Direction
    Do you wish to practice from English to Italian (1 - 2) or vice versa (2 - 1)?

  • Order
    Do you wish to practice the words in random, original or reverse order?
    For most word lists we would recomend random order, but we have made these options available to enable you to pratice things like days of the week, months and numbers in their actual order (original order). We hope this will be of some help! :-)
Your settings are saved for each individual word list.
Excerpt from newsletter 03/01/2015

How do you say pencil in Italian?
And what about pen?

Now you can learn a lot of new Italian words related to the office :-)

New word list

You will find the list here under word lists.
The list holds 44 Italian words - most of them with audio.

English Italian
pencil matita
desk, writing desk scrivania, scrittoio
envelope busta
exercise book, notebook quaderno

Tip: Test yourself and adapt the list at the same time
Please try this approach:
  • Log in
  • Click on the word list office
  • Run through the list and click on '+' next to the words that you were not sure of. This will add them to a repetition list.
  • When you are through the list click on repeat
  • Finally click on save as adaption
After doing this only the words you added for repetition will be included in the list when running it in the future. You can always edit your choises by clicking on adapt.
Excerpt from newsletter 01/14/2015

Now you can learn the Italian ordinal numbers!
How do you say third? Or fourth?

Learn the ordinal numbers using our new word list:

Numbers 1st - 30th
You will find the word list here under word lists.
The list holds the ordinal numbers from 1st to 30th. You choose yourself the interval you wish to practice.

English Italian (in letters)
5th quinto
12th dodicesimo
8th ottavo
2nd secondo

Other tools for learning the numbers
Also remember that you can practice the cardinal numbers (uno, due, tre...) using the word lists numbers 0 - 100 and numbers 10 20 30....
Furthermore you can try out our tombola game, where you can choose from 1-5 tickets, control the tempo of the game and have the audio replayed.
Excerpt from newsletter 12/02/2014

Do you know the words for linen and pillowcase in Italian?
Test yourself with our new word list related to the bedroom, and learn new words! :-)

New word list

You will find the list here under word lists.
The list holds 27 words - all with audio.

English Italian
pillow (il) guanciale
duvet, comforter piumino
bed sheet lenzuolo
night table comodino
Excerpt from newsletter 10/06/2014

How do you say I do the shopping in Italian? Or I go for a walk? What about I take a nap?
Learn to talk about your everyday life in Italian with our new word list: Everyday activities. :-)

How many expressions do you already know?
Try the new word list and learn a lot more!

New word list

Everyday activities
You will find the list here under word lists.
The list holds more than 80 useful everyday expressions - all with audio.

English Italian
I do my homework faccio i compiti
I change my clothes cambio i vestiti
I clean faccio le pulizie, pulisco
I watch television guardo la TV

Tip: Say the words out loud!
We highly recommend that you say the words and expressions out loud when you are practicing. This will not only improve your pronunciation, It will also help you remember the words.
So close the door ;-) listen to Andrea Patucelli (our voice) and repeat the words out loud!
Excerpt from newsletter 09/21/2014

This is a big day for us. :-)
We are happy and proud to present our latest addition: A new Spanish learning site!
Many people have been asking us if we had a learning site similar to Lo studio italiano, where you can learn Spanish. Now we do!

We feel that this is the time to take all the good features from Lo studio italiano and apply them to a new language.
In that way The Spanish Study is a clone of the Italian site you all know and have been very active participants in developing (thanks a lot!).
The basic features are already available on the new site, and more will be launched over time.
Learn more about The Spanish Study
Excerpt from newsletter 09/15/2014

How do you say bookcase in Italian? Or remote control?
You can now learn a lot of useful Italian words related to the living room. :-)

Test yourself, see how many words you already know, and learn lots of new words!

New word list

Living room
You will find the list here under word lists.
The list holds 34 Italian words - all with audio.

English Italian
armchair poltrona
cushion, pillow cuscino
painting, picture quadro, dipinto
piece of furniture (il) mobile
curtain tenda

Tip: Add words for repetition and learn faster!
While working your way through the list you can click on the + (or hit the + key) next to the words that you are not familiar with. These words will then be added to a repetition list, and you can use this to focus and be much more efficient. You can also (login is required) save the repetition list as an adaption of the original list (the system will remember your words) or save it as a new, separate list under My studio.
Excerpt from newsletter 08/27/2014

New Italian verbs
We have picked out 50 of the verbs you have been requesting (thanks!), and this now brings the total number of verbs in the system well over 500. See the new verbs
Make use of our learning tools and you will learn the conjugation of the Italian verbs as well as their meaning in no time!

Adaption of the word lists
When you are practicing with the word lists it is very important not to have too many unfamiliar words in the list at the same time. For this reason we encourage you to adapt the word lists and thereby make your practicing much more efficient. The tool now offers two methods for adaption:
  • The function adapt
    Click on a word list, then click adapt and follow the instructions.
  • Save repetition as adaption (new)
    When running through a word list you can add difficult words for repetition. When starting the repetition you are now offered the opportunity to save the repetition list as an adaption of the word list. The next time you click on he word list only the words from the repetition will be included.

    Please note: When saving an adaption previous adaptions of the list are overwritten.
Print out table of conjugations
We have added a print out option of the conjugation tables presented to you when doing lookups. You will find the option here:
Lookups, [search for a verb], click on show all conjugations
The function is not available on smartphones.

Learn Italian online - make use of our learning tools (top menu)!
Excerpt from newsletter 04/09/2014

With this update of Lo studio italiano we are putting focus on a special and very frequently used type of verbs: i verbi pronominali.
This group of special verbs has been expanded and it now comprises:

There is audio available for 11 of the 14 verbs in presente.

You can practice all conjugations of the verbs. The following are just a few examples:
Verb: avercela
English: be mad (at someone=con qualcuno)
ce l'ho
ce l'hai
ce l'ha
ce l'abbiamo
ce l'avete
ce l'hanno

passato prossimo
prendersela (lei)
accorgersene (noi, m)
approfittarsene (io, f)
se l'è presa
ce ne siamo accorti
me ne sono approfittata
Try creating a new verb list for the special verbs:
  • Click on verbs in the top menu
  • Click on new verb list under my studio, my verbs
  • Name the list and hit the create-button
  • Choose the special verbs, the conjugations and persons you wish to practice with
  • Finish by clicking on the Go-button.
Once the verb list has been created you can use it as it is, or you can include it in a quiz like this:
  • Click on quiz in the top menu
  • Select the new list created by you
  • Choose one person, one conjugation to include only one form of each verb in the quiz. (optional)
  • If desired you can add other verb lists or grammatical topics
  • Start the quiz by clicking on the Go-button.
Excerpt from newsletter 02/24/2014

Today we are releasing a large expansion of the QUIZ function!
You can now include all grammatical topics in your quiz :-)
Try it out now

You choose yourself which topics to include, here we bring some selected examples:

  • Indefinite article
    una mela
  • Definite article
    gli uomini
  • Preposition + definite article
    in+la = nella
    a+l' = all'
  • The inflexions of the nouns
    un parco - due parchi
    la bottiglia - le bottiglie
  • Nouns and adjectives
    (italiano) la donna è italiana
    la figlia è felice - le figlie sono felici
    (pl) parcheggio, libero - i parcheggi sono liberi
  • Possessive pronouns
    sono i tuoi fratelli? (di te)
    dove sono le mie scarpe? (di me)
    mi piace la loro amica (di Chiara e Alessia)
  • Accusative-, dative- and double object pronouns
    comprate i gelati? - no, non li compriamo
    hai mangiato la torta? - sì, l'ho mangiata
    mi leggi la domanda? - sì, te la leggo
The questions in the quiz are based on your own settings under the menu grammar, and you therefore have full control of the level of difficulty and the type of questions included. Furthermore you can mix verb- and grammar questions as you please.

Create and save multiple quiz games
As a default the name of your quiz is my standard. But you can create as many games with different settings as you like and then toggle between them easily. Click on the black arrow next to my standard to create a new quiz.

Go to the tools in the Italian grammar section, choose your settings for the grammar exercises and include them in your quiz!
Excerpt from newsletter 01/20/2014

The new word list we are launching today is about expressions that we hope you will never need... ;-)
But if you are unlucky they might come in handy at the pharmacy or at the doctors.

New word list

At the pharmacy
You will find the list here under word lists.
You can practice with 68 words and expressions - all with audio!

English Italian
it hurts fa male
I feel nauseous ho la nausea
pain (il) dolore
I have a headache, my head hurts ho mal di testa, mi fa male la testa
I have a cold ho il raffreddore
plaster, sticking plaster cerotto

Tip: Start by adapting the list
  • Log in
  • Click on at the pharmacy under word lists
  • Click on adapt

Learn a lot of useful Italian words and expressions with our online Italian word lists
Excerpt from newsletter 12/08/2013

Today we can inform you of the expansion of some existing word lists and the possibility of adapting your own word lists.

Expansion of word lists
You will find the lists here under word lists.

Now you can practice 65 more animal names!
Audio is available for most of the words.

English Italian
fly mosca
mosquito zanzara
butterfly farfalla
frog rana
spider ragno
bear orso

The house
We have added 8 more words:

English Italian
roof tetto
floor pavimento
basement, cellar cantina
cimney comignolo
Adaption of your own word lists
The adapt feature is now available not only on the fixed word lists but also on the word lists created by you under My studio.
This allows you to create and work with even very long lists as you can select the words you wish to practice with as you go along.
Click on the list, then click on adapt. The system will remember your settings.

Make use of our Italian word lists and increase your Italian vocabulary!
Excerpt from newsletter 11/11/2013

We now have a new game ready for you!
This one has been underway for quite some time, and we are very happy to finally be able to present it to you. :-)

Doing a full conjugation of an Italian verb is one thing. Another thing is to be able to come up with the right person of a verb in the right conjugation during conversation.
This aspect you can now practice in our new QUIZ! (Let me try!)

The quiz is created on the basis of the verbs you have chosen under verbs, My study.
When playing you need to find the correct form of a verb in the person selected randomly by the system, ex:

  1. Verb: parlare
    English: talk
    (tu) parli
You can stick to one conjugation or play with multiple conjugations at the same time, like this:

  1. Verb: andare
    English: go
    (io) vado

  2. Verb: essere
    English: be
    (lui/lei) sarebbe

  3. Verb: prendere
    English: take
    (noi) prendevamo

You can also include across conjugations as well as verb lists created by you in the quiz!

Create and save multiple quiz games
As a default the name of your quiz is my standard. But you can create as many games with different settings as you like and then toggle between them easily. Click on the black arrow next to my standard to create a new quiz.

Keep score
By enabling keep score on my page you can have the number of correct and wrong answers displayed during the game. :-)
How keep score works

Choose the verbs and conjugations fitting your level and start practicing the conjugations of the Itaian verbs in our online quiz!
Excerpt from newsletter 09/30/2013

How many did I get right?
Am I making progress?

Now you can see you score and try to beat your own highscore!
Many of you have asked for this motivation factor, and we are very happy to be able to meet your request and make it more fun. :-)

You will find score and highscore on:
  • Word lists
  • Grammar exercises
  • Exercises under my verbs

Important - please read this first:
How score and highscore works

We hope you will enjoy this new feature. :-)
Feedback with comments of any sort will be highly appreciated!
Excerpt from newsletter 09/02/2013

In this newsletter we will inform you of a number of improvements implemented over the summer.

New design
The menu item verbs & vocabulary has been split up into two separate items.
The goal has been to obtain more 'space' in the graphics and a more logical display of the options. We hope you will like it! :-)

Improved verb function
When using the verb function in the left column (studio), you will find a number of improvements:
  • When you click on a conjugation the graphics will fold out and regular as well as irregular verbs will be displayed at the same time.
  • You can choose to have the verbs sorted alphabetically or by frequency.
    When sorting by frequency you can have the number of each individual verb displayed by hovering the mouse over the verb.
  • You can hold on to a verb and change the conjugation
    Ex.: Choose the conjugation presente and the verb essere. When you have done the exercise you can shift directly to another conjugation of essere by clicking on the black arrow just above the exercise.
Automatic playback of audio
This is now turned on and off by clicking on the node symbol

My page
We have added a new page to the site that opens up automatically when you log in.
On this page you can see the expiry date of your subscription, purchase new subscriptions and change email address as well as password.

You will find the improvements above on the computer version as well as iPad, iPod Touch and smartphone versions.
We are working on the development of more new features, and we would like to encourage you to keep sending us good ideas and comments of any sort. Your feedback is of great importance to the further developement of this site!
Thank you, all! :-)

Practice Italian online using our language tools (top menu) and learn fast!
Excerpt from newsletter 05/13/2013

New word list

Find the list here.
Listen to the audio, and try to imitate! :-)

nel 1900 nel millenovecento
nel 1973 nel millenovecentosettantatre
nel 2012 nel duemiladodici
nel 1945 nel millenovecentoquarantacinque
Tip: You do not have to spell the numbers, you can choose to leave the field empty, hit the Enter key and hear the audio
Tip: Click on change direction, and use it as an audio exercise

Improvements on the grammar function
We have added new functionality offering you new possibilities and saving you a lot of mouse clicking. :-)
  • Save multiple settings
    You are now offered the possibility to save multiple settings under each grammar topic.
    We have named your present setting my standard, but if needed you can now save different settings under different names. You will then have different settings under each topic that you can swap between.

    How to create a new setting:

    • Click on a topic, e.g. nouns and adjectives, under grammar
    • Open the menu of settings by clicking on the black triangle next to my standard, and choose create
    • Name the new settings
    • Select the nouns and adjectives you wish to include
    • Finish by clicking on Go!

    You will find all created settings under the menu mentioned above.

  • Number of grammar exercises
    You can now choose number of exercises under each topic. This means that you can now select for example 130 nouns, but choose to have only 20 exercises at a time.
    Please note: The maximum number of exercises is equal to the number of chosen nouns. If you have chosen 12 nouns then the maximum number of exercises is 12.

Start learning with our online Italian grammar exercises!
Excerpt from newsletter 04/08/2013

Do you remember the Italian words for toothbrush, shaving foam, towel...?
We now have a new word list related to the bathroom ready for you.

New word list

Find the list here under word lists.
Practice with 50 words and expressions - all with audio!

English Italian
shower doccia
toothpaste dentifricio, pasta dentifricia
electric razor, shaver rasoio elettrico
mirror specchio
brush, hairbrush spazzola, spazzola da capelli
toilet paper carta igienica
soap (il) sapone

Tip: Adapt the list to make it fit your own needs
  • Log in
  • Click on bathroom under word lists
  • Click on adapt

Increase your Italian vocabulary with our Italian word lists!
Excerpt from newsletter 03/10/2013

We know from your feedback (thanks!) that many of you find the audio very helpful when practicing the conjugations of the verbs.
Therefore, we are happy to let you know that we have now completed the process of adding audio to selected verbs in all conjugations. :-)

Today we have added audio to 152 verbs in stare + gerundio
See which verbs and hear examples

Learn the conjugation of the Italian verbs by ear!
You will now find audio for 99-272 verbs in all conjugations:
- presente
- passato prossimo
- imperfetto
- condizionale
- futuro
- imperativo
- passato remoto
- cong. presente
- cong. imperfetto
- stare + gerundio

You can also access the audio directly through lookups, as here with parlare.
Please remember that under My Studio you will find a numer of tools that will help you practice in a structured and efficient way!

Start practicing the conjugations of the Italian verbs
Excerpt from newsletter 02/05/2013

Today we have two news for you:

  • We now have a word list available with Italian expressions from the world of music.
  • We have added audio to 15 Italian reflexive verbs in passato prossimo.

New word list
In this long list we have focused on music.
You will find the list here in the left column.
It contains 115 words - almost all with audio - covering different aspects of music.
Begin by clicking on adapt and check the words you would like to practice.

For example instruments:
English Italian
saxophone sassofono
giutar chitarra
flute flauto
the strings gli archi
drum set batteria
trumpet tromba
clarinet clarinetto

Music gear and equipment:
English Italian
microphone microfono
amplifier amplificatore (m)
loudspeaker, speaker altoparlante (m)
stereo, stereo system stereo, impianto stereofonico
CD player (il) lettore CD

Or places, genres, persons, verbs...:
English Italian
concert hall sala da concerti
chamber music musica da camera
audience pubblico, spettatori (m)
practise, practice esercitarsi, fare esercizi, esercitare
Audio for 15 Italian reflexive verbs in passato prossimo
Learn faster by listening! :-)
(io, f)
(loro, m)
(tu, f)
(noi, f)
mi sono alzata
si è vestito
si sono innamorati
ti sei mossa
ci siamo arrabbiate

See all 15 verbs and hear examples

Go to the verb section and start practicing the conjugations of the Italian reflexive verbs
Excerpt from newsletter 01/13/2013

We are happy to begin the new year by informing you that we have added audio to a lot of verbs in passato prossimo.

Passato prossimo with audio
We have added audio to 144 verbs - learn passato prossimo by ear!.
See which verbs and hear examples

How to practice passato prossimo
Learn passato prossimo quickly using our tools:
  • Exercises with a random order of verbs, persons and gender
    Click on passato prossimo under My studio, My verbs (here).
    Define your own level of exercises by selecting from regular and irregular verbs grouped by auxiliary verb (avere/essere).
    Advance gradually at your own pace!
    aiutare(noi, m)abbiamo aiutato
    bere(lui)ha bevuto
    tornare(loro, f)sono tornate
    crescere(voi, m)siete cresciuti

    You can also practice with reflexive verbs:
    svegliarsi(io, f)mi sono svegliata
    (noi, m)ci siamo divertiti
  • Practice the irregular Italian participles separately
    Make use of the word list irreg. participles (here):
    infinitive participle
    leggere letto
    prendere preso
    aprire aperto
    chiedere chiesto
  • Passato prossimo + accusative pronoun
    Go to the grammar section, click on accusative and dative pronouns (here).
    Select the exercises under accusative pronouns and select passato prossimo and I write under verbs.
    hai fumato le sigarette?sì, le ho fumate
    hai perso i soldi?sì, li ho persi
    avete ricevuto la lettera?no, non l'abbiamo ricevuta
    hai lavato i vestiti?sì, li ho lavati
  • Direct access to all audio through lookups
    Check out the conjugation, hear the audio and then practice.
    Example: Look up fare

Learn the Italian passato prossimo conjugation through our online exercises under verbs and grammar
Excerpt from newsletter 12/11/2012

We have prepared a list for you with the names of feasts, holidays and other festivities. :-)

Feasts - events
The list holds 48 names and terms, most of them with audio.
Italian English
(il) Natale Christmas
Santo Stefano Boxing Day
la vigilia di Natale Christmas Eve
Pasqua Easter
(il) Venerdì Santo Good Friday
compleanno birthday
Battesimo baptism, christening
You will find the list in the left column under word lists (here).

Start by selecting the terms you wish to practice:
  • Go to: www.lostudioitaliano.com
  • Log in
  • Click on the word list feasts - events
  • Click on adapt
  • Click on reset
  • Check the terms you wish to practice (e.g. the Christmas terms)
  • Click on Save adaption at the bottom
The system will remember your settings and you can edit them as you go along.
Also try practicing from English to Italian (change direction).

Start increasing your Italian vocabulary now!
Excerpt from newsletter 11/25/2012

Now you can create new verb lists!
Make use of this function and save time and a lot of mouse clicking. :-)

Create your own flexible verb lists
Under My Studio, My verbs you will find the new function new verb list.
This function enables you to create new lists (collections) of verbs where you can edit:
  • Which verbs you have on the list
  • Which conjugations you would like to practice
  • Which persons (io, tu, lui/lei, noi voi loro) you would like to practice
Now, why is that a good thing?
Imagine that you are learning the conjugation of the reflexive verbs in presente, and now you would like to pick out a handful of reflexive verbs to practice with under My verbs. The problem is that under the verb list presente you are already working with 15 other verbs and you would really like to keep them. The solution is to create a new verb list:
  • Go to www.lostudioitaliano.com and log in
  • Click on new verb list at the bottom of My Studio, My verbs
  • Follow the instructions
You then have a separate list holding your reflexive verbs.
As with the function across conjugations you can practice with more conjugations simultaneously.

A few suggestions to get you going
Try making lists with:
  • Your reflexive verbs
  • The modal verbs: volere, dovere, potere
  • The 10 most common verbs (use choose by frequency)
  • ...
You can create all the verb lists you need!

You can transfer verbs to the new verb lists
When you have created a new verb list you can add verbs to it by transfering from another verbs list: Click on the other verb list, click on transfer, select the new list.

Let our tools help you learn the conjugations of the italian verbs!
Excerpt from newsletter 11/04/2012

How do you say my, your, our, her, their etc. in Italian?

Under grammar we now have a new function ready where you can practice the Italian possessive pronouns. :-)
(take me to grammar)

Italian possessive pronouns
In the exercises you insert the definite article + possessive pronoun, like this:
Dove sono le mie scarpe? (di me)

È la loro macchina? (di Anna e Paolo)

Ti piace il nostro cane? (di noi)

You can also practice the pronouns in combination with terms for family members (should it be with or without the definite article?):
Chi è?
È nostra madre (di noi)

Mi piacciono i suoi fratelli (di Laura)

You will find audio for all pronouns.

More pronounciation with the Italian possessive pronouns
By using the word list possessive pron. you can practice the complete pronounciation of expressions of the type:
i tuoi occhi

i miei genitori

i nostri amici

You will find the list under verbs and vocabulary in the left column (here).
Please note: By clicking on show alphabetically you wil have direct acces to the whole list incl. audio.

Start practicing the italian possessive pronouns under the grammar section
Excerpt from newsletter 10/22/2012

Today we are introducing a completely new feature: lookups
There are two new, great functions. Please try them out. :-)

  1. Look up an Italian verb
    There are a lot of conjugations in Italian, and sometimes it can be difficult to recognize the conjugation of a given word, or to be sure of which person it is...or even which verb.
    What about feci? Or cosse, vendeste, parlassi?

    Now you can easily look it up, as in these examples with feci and parli:



    • parlare
      (tu) parli

      (lui/lei) parli

      cong. presente
      EN: talk
      show all conjugations

    As shown above you are given the verb and all matching conjugations and persons as well as a translation og the verb.
    Click on show all conjugations to get to a table of all conjugations of the verb (try!).
    In the table you have access to all audio available (click on the words in blue).

    You can also use the table for practicing: Try to memorize one or more conjugations in the table, check them and hit the Test me in checked conjugations-button.

    At the moment the system holds 450 verbs (more than 20.000 entry words).

  2. Look up Italian audio
    How do you pronounce chiacchierare? Or elettricista?
    Where is the accent in mattina, periodo or facile?
    Now you can look it up!
    You have access to the entire audio database holding more that 8000 words and expressions.
Try out the new look up-features

Excerpt from newsletter 10/01/2012

We are happy to let you know that we have just completed an extensive update of the audio database (verbs).

Much more audio
Audio is now available for 70 more Italian verbs in the following conjugations:
  • presente
  • imperativo
  • cong. presente
See which verbs and hear examples

Did you know...
that you can easily check which verbs have audio?
Try the following:
  • Go to www.lostudioitaliano.com
  • Click on presente or another conjugation (in the 1. column)
  • Click on show audio (in the 2. column at the top)
Then all verbs with audio will be marked ().

Practice the Italian verb conjugations with audio - and learn fast!
Excerpt from newsletter 09/17/2012

We now have lots of new verbs ready for you. :-)

The conjugations of the Italian verbs
We have added 75 new verbs to all conjugations. (see which)
This brings the total number of verbs up to 450, including the 220 most frequent verbs.

The meaning of the Italian verbs
You can practice the meaning of the Italian verbs using the word list verbs (here, in the left column).
This list has been updated with the new verbs.
It is now quite long, so we recommend that you start by adapting the list to fit your own needs:
  • Log in
  • Click on the list (in the left column)
  • Click on adapt
  • Choose the verbs you wish to practice. Note the option: choose by frequency.
  • Finish at the bottom (Save adaption)
You can use the word list as a dictionary as well (show alpabetically).

Start practicing with our Italian online exercises now - and you will learn the conjugations of the Italian verbs in no time! :-)
Excerpt from newsletter 08/16/2012

We now have a new word list ready for you with Italian words and expressions related to the garden:

The list contains more than 60 words and expressions.

English Italian
hedge (la) siepe
bush cespuglio
lawn prato
leaf foglia
kitchen garden orto
rake (noun) rastrello

You will find the list in the left column under word lists (here).
Start by adapting the list to make it fit your own needs (log in, click on the list, click on adapt).

New improvements
We have added new functionality to the user interface to make the site more user-friendly.
Furthermore we are working on a number of new functions and upgrades that will be added over the coming months. :-)

Please do not hesitate...
... to share with us any comment you might. We are happy to hear from you. :-)
Maybe you have some ideas for new word lists or new types of exercises?
We highly appreciate your feedback!

Learn Italian online: Italian verb conjugations - Italian vocabulary - Italian grammar
Excerpt from newsletter 05/29/2012

Do you also love eating out in Italy? :-)
We have added a word list that will help you learn the names of selected fish and shellfish:

Fish and shellfish
The list contains 40 names for common fish and shellfish.

aragosta, astice (m)lobster
acciughe (acciuga)anchovies
cozze (cozza)blue mussels

You will find the list in the left column under word lists (here).
Start by adapting the list to make it fit your own needs (log in, click on the list, click on adapt).
Also try practicing from English to Italian (change direction).

Learn new Italian words - increase your Italian vocabulary!
Excerpt from newsletter 04/17/2012

Are you familiar with the Italian reflexive verbs?
Read on, make use of our tools and learn fast! :-)

More Italian reflexive verbs
We have doubled the number of reflexive verbs in all conjugations.
You can see the 22 new verbs and hear examples of their pronunciation here.

You can for example practice them in presente, where you will find audio for all verbs:
sposarsi (marry)
mi sposo
ti sposi
si sposa
ci sposiamo
vi sposate
si sposano

annoiarsi (be bored)
mi annoio
ti annoi
si annoia
ci annoiamo
vi annoiate
si annoiano

Or in passato prossimo, where the exercises come in a random order of person and gender:
(tu, f)
(io, f)
(voi, m)
(loro, f)
(noi, m)
ti sei innamorata
mi sono abituata
vi siete decisi
si sono vergognate
ci siamo comportati
si è lamentato

Or maybe in imperativo, where you will be practicing the position of the pronoun as well:
calmarsi (calm down)
si calmi
si calmino

The meaning of the Italian verbs
You can practice the meaning of the verbs separately:
  • Log in
  • Click on the word list verbs in the left column
  • Click on adapt
  • Click on reset
  • Check all the verbs you wish to practice
  • Click on save adaption at the bottom

Try our tools and learn the conjugations of the Italian reflexive verbs in no time!
Excerpt from newsletter 03/26/2012

Now you can increase your Italian vocabulary with expressions from the world of sports!
Learn the Italian words for referee, match, training, basketball, swimming, football, team, opponent...
Practice with this new word list:

The list contains 75 Italian words and expressions from the world of sports:
arbitro, partita, allenamento, palla canestro, nuoto, calcio, squadra, avversario...

There is audio for (almost) all words!
You will find the list in the left column under word lists (here).

Please try our Italian word lists - and learn lots of new Italian words!
Excerpt from newsletter 03/11/2012

Today we have added two new word lists with Italian expressions answering the questions where? and which way?.

With this list you can practice a wide rage of expressions answering the questions: Where? Where is it?
sulla destra, all'angolo, vicino alla stazione, di fronte alla chiesa, sotto al tavolo, intorno alla casa, dietro alla porta...

Which way?
And this list contains typical expressions answering the questions: Which way? Where to?
a sinistra, avanti, su, giù, dritto, fino alla piazza, indietro, verso la stazione...

There is audio for all expressions!
Listen to the pronunciation, then repeat it to yourself out loud and you will learn fast. :-)
You will find the lists in the left column under word lists (here).

Learn Italian expressions using our Italian word lists!
Excerpt from newsletter 02/26/2012

How do you say butcher in Italian? Or waiter, dentist, postman, fireman, fisherman...?
Test yourself and learn with this new word list:

The list contains a wide range of designations of occupation:
cameriere, ingegnere, macellaio, dentista, camionista, parrucchiera, fornaio, infermiera...

Both designations for men and women are available, either directly:
writer - (il) scrittore, (la) scrittrice
Or with the difference statet in parenthesis:
gardener (m) - giardiniere (-a)
There is audio for (almost) all words!
You will find the lists in the left column under word lists (here).

Learn new Italian words - increase your vocabulary!

Excerpt from newsletter 02/13/2012

We now have two new word lists ready for you, both focusing on time expressions:

This list contains a number of typical answers to the question when?
ieri sera, fra due giorni, di pomeriggio, l'altro giorno, più tardi, tre giorni fa, al più presto, il giorno prima...

hvor ofte?
And this is a list of typical answers to the question how often?
ogni giorno, qualche volta, raramente, ogni due settimane, una volta al giorno, spesso, a volte, quattro volte all'anno...

There is audio for all expressions!
You will find the lists in the left column under word lists (here).
Tip: Start by adapting the list to make it fit your own needs (adapt)
Tip: Make use of the repeat function (click on +)
Tip: Practice both to and from Italian (change direction)

Start learning Italian time expressions!

Excerpt from newsletter 01/04/2011

First of all we would like to wish you all a very happy New Year!

We open this season by adding audio to a large number of verbs in congiuntivo presente og congiuntivo imperfetto:
Audio for 96 Italian verbs in congiuntivo presente
See which verbs and hear examples

Audio for 98 Italian verbs in congiuntivo imperfetto
See which verbs and hear examples

And then we would like to thank you all
...for the very fine input we have received from you over the past year. :-)
We highly appreciate your comments and we encourage you to keep telling us about any ideas and suggestions you may have for the site.
We are already working on new features that we will be releasing during the coming year.

Learn the Italian verb conjugations by ear!

Excerpt from newsletter 12/05/2011

We have now added audio for a large number of verbs in passato remoto and imperativo.

Audio for 95 Italian verbs in passato remoto
Do you have problems following the dialog in series like Il Commissario Montalbano?
Learning passato remoto by ear might make a difference. :-)
See which verbs and hear examples

Audio for 93 Italian verbs in imperativo
See which verbs and hear examples
If you do not whish to practice all person, we can recommend this procedure:
  • Log in
  • Click on imperativo under my verbs
  • Choose the verbs you wish to practice
  • Click on transfer, choose across conjugations and click on the transfer button
    (the chosen verbs are now saved under both imperativo and across conjugations, and you are then directed to across conjugations)
  • Choose imperativo under conjugations
  • Choose the persons you wish to practice, e.g. tu, lui/lei
  • Finish by clicking on the Go! button
In this way you will be able to focus on persons typical for imperativo.
Tip: By choosing both imperativo and presente under conjugations you will be practicing both conjugations on the same page allowing you to compare writing and pronunciation easily.

Make use of our learning tools and become a master of the conjugations of the Italian verbs!

Excerpt from newsletter 11/22/2011

Today we can inform you of two updates: We have added a large number of new ire-verbs and audio for 99 verbs in futuro.

Italian ire-verbs
How does the -isc- conjugation go?
Which verbs follow the -isc- conjugation and which do not?

We have now added 40 new ire-verbs to all conjugations:
  • Log in
  • Click on presente or another conjugation under my verbs in the right column
  • Click on the small black arrows to display the ire-verbs
  • Choose the verbs you would like to practice
    - see the meaning of the verbs by hovering the mouse over the checkboxes
    - the small squares indicate verbs with audio
  • Finish by clicking on the Go! button

Audio for 99 Italian verbs in futuro
We continue our update of the audio database, now with futuro.
See which verbs and hear examples
Do you sometimes find it hard to distinguish between futuro and condizionale?
Please try the following:
  • Log in
  • Click on across conjugations under my verbs
  • Choose futuro and condizionale under conjugations
  • Choose all persons
  • Apply the choose by frequency function to choose which verbs you would like to practice. Choose within the range of no. 1-99.
  • Finish by clicking on the Go! button
Then you will be practicing both conjugations on the same page making it easy for you to compare writing as well as pronunciation.

Practice the Italian verb conjugations - learn by ear - learn fast!

Excerpt from newsletter 11/14/2011

We are now ready for your iPad and your iPod Touch. :-)

The next time you visit Lo studio italiano on your iPad or your iPod Touch, you will automatically be directed to a web app tailored for your device.
There is nothing to download or install, just go to www.lostudioitaliano.com.

We have put a lot of work into adapting the site and making it as userfriendly as possible.
If you have any comments we would be happy to hear from you.
Thanks a lot!

Web app for iPad
For iPad users we recommend using the landscape view.
The font size is automatically set to maximum. If desired you can change this in the top left corner.
For some things you would benefit from switching to portrait view, though. Try for instance a game of tombola with five tickets.

Go to the tools above and start learning Italian online!

Excerpt from newsletter 11/07/2011

In this newsletter we can inform you of two improvements regarding passato prossimo. :-)

Passato prossimo - news
Now you can easily learn the Italian irregular participles by practicing with this new word list: irreg. participles.
When you practice passato prossimo under My verbs, you can now add the difficult verbs to repetition.

  • Irreg. participles
    Many of the most common past participles in Italian are irregular. The easiest way to get familiar with them is to learn by ear.
    Practice with this word list of 66 central participles, all with audio: detto, perso, letto, tolto, messo, preso, deciso, aperto...
    You will find the list here (look in the left column).
    Start by selecting the verbs you wish to practice (log in, click on the list, then on adapt).

  • Repeat function when practicing passato prossimo
    When working with passato prossimo you can now add difficult exercises to repetition and thereby make your practicing more efficient. Log in and click on passato prossimo under My verbs to get started.
    Please note that you adapt the exercises to meet your own level by choosing between regular and irregular verbs as well as essere or avere as auxiliary verb:
    mangiare(voi, m)avete mangiato
    decidere(lui)ha deciso

    arrivare(noi, f)siamo arrivate
    scendere(voi, m)siete scesi

    Finally there is the group of reflexive verbs.
    alzarsi(tu, f)ti sei alzata
    (loro, m)si sono riposati

    When you start feeling comfortable with each group you can challenge yourself further by mixing verbs from different groups. Every time an exercise is causing you difficulties you just click the '+' mark and the verb will be added to repetition.

Learn the Italian irregular participles - Practice the Italian passato prossimo conjugation online

Excerpt from newsletter 10/25/2011

Today we are happy to present three new things to you :-)

  • Improved system checking of your answers
  • New word list of nature-related words
  • Audio for 99 verbs in condizionale

Improved system checking
We have added two new aspects to the way the system checks your answers. We hope this will help you gain even more from your practicing.
  1. When using the Ctrl key to see the correct answer, the answer entered in the field by you will now be displayed as well. This will allow you to compare easily.
  2. The system will now detect any lacking double consonants in your spelling. Example: If you have entered apartamento (appartamento), you will be notified of the missing double consonant.

New word list
Italy has a lot of fantastic nature to talk about. ;-)
You can practice a number of useful words using this list.

lago, montagna, fiume, stella, alba, tramonto, mare, valle...
- there is audio for all 45 words.
You will find the list here (look in the left column).

Audio for 99 Italian verbs in condizionale
We have now completed a new update of the audio database.
This time audio has been added for 99 verbs in condizionale.
Let the audio help you to remember the conjugation and practice the pronunciation!
See which verbs and hear examples.
We have chosen the 99 most frequent verbs. An easy way to choose these verbs would therefore be making use of the function choose by frequency

Make use of our online learning tools to increase your Italian vocabulary and learn the Italian verb conjugations!

Excerpt from newsletter 10/11/2011

This week we are happy to inform you of a new city-related word list and a large update of the audio database: audio for 99 Italian verbs in imperfetto. :-)

New word list
The list is a collection of things and places you find in the city

in the city
negozio, fermata, ponte, edificio, marciapiede, municipio, biglietteria, edicola...
There are more than 60 new words and audio for almost everything.
You will find the list here (look in the left column).

Audio for 99 Italian verbs in imperfetto
We are very happy to be able to offer you audio for a large group of verbs in this conjugation.
The audio will help you remember the conjugations and, not the least, teach you where to stress the words(!).
See which verbs and hear examples.
We have chosen the 99 most frequent Italian verbs. An easy way to choose these verbs would therefore be making use of the function choose by frequency:

- Log in
- Click on imperfetto under my verbs in the right column
- Click on choose by frequency
- Follow the instructions

Learn new Italian words - increase your vocabulary! - Practice the Italian conjugations online - learn by ear!

Excerpt from newsletter 9/26/2011

Now we have lots of new verbs and much more audio ready for you. :-)

New Italian verbs
We have added 75 new verbs to all conjugations. (see which)
This brings the total number of verbs well above 300, including the 200 most frequent verbs.

More Italian audio
We are preparing an extensive update of the audio database (verbs).
Today audio on 24 verbs in presente has been added. (see which)

The meaning of the Italian verbs
You can practice the meaning of the Italian verbs using the word list verbs.
This list has been updated as well with the new verbs and a lot of audio
It is now quite long, so we recommend that you start by adapting the list to fit your own needs:
  • Log in
  • Click on the list (in the left column)
  • Click on adapt
  • Choose the verbs you wish to practice. Note the option: choose by frequency.
  • Finish at the bottom (Save adaption)
You can use the word list as a dictionary as well (show alpabetically).

Let our learning tools help you to learn the Italian verb conjugations and the meaning of the Italian verbs!

Excerpt from newsletter 9/12/2011

Learn how to talk about the weather in Italian.
You can practice with this collection of useful words and expressions:

piove, fa caldo, è buio, tira vento, neve, c'è il sole, tempesta, è nuvoloso...
You will find the list under verbs and vocabularu in the left column (Word lists).
Tip: Practice the words both to and from Italian (click on change direction)

Increase your Italian vocabulary online!

Excerpt from newsletter 8/27/2011

We now have a new Italian grammar function ready where you can practice the combination of preposition + definite article.

We have had a word list on this topic, but now we have moved the exercises to the grammar section and made it easy to choose which prepositions and articles you wish to practice with. You can choose direction as well:




Please go to the grammar section and click on preposition + definite article.
Tip: Click on '+' to add exercises to repetition.

Learn Italian grammar - lots and lots of online exercises!

Excerpt from newsletter 8/14/2011

We kindly remind you that you can find help and inspiration regarding Lo studio italiano in the getting started document.
If you need more advise on how to approach the exercises in the grammar section, we have a special document with tips and guidance on this as well.

Apart from that we have a new word list ready for you.

New word list:

lana, seta, cottone, cuoio, legno, oro...
- 26 new words.
You will find the list in the left column under verbs and vocabulary.
We recommend that you start by adapting the list to make it fit your own needs (log in, click on the list, then click adapt)

Learn lots of new Italian words - increase your vocabulary online!

Excerpt from newsletter 6/13/2011

We are pleased to inform you that Lo studio italiano is now available for your smartphone! (iPhone/Android)
We have put a lot of work into making the user interface as intuitive and user friendly as possible, and we hope you will like it. :-)

How to access
Technically it is a web app (not an app), so there is nothing to download or install on your smartphone. Just go to the usual address: www.lostudioitaliano.com. The website will automatically detect that you are using a smartphone and show you the correct version.

Make it easy
We recommend that you make use of alle the options offered by the system to save your settings and let the system remember what you are practicing at the moment. This will make it a lot faster to get going when you want to practice during the bus ride or whenever you have five minutes to spare:

  • Verbs
    - Click on a conjugation under My Studio
    - Choose the verbs you would like to practice
    - Click the GO! button
    Next time you want to practice you just click GO!.
  • Vocabulary
    When practicing with one of the fixed word list, start by picking out a smaller number of words:
    - Click on the word list
    - Click adapt
    - Choose the words you would like to practice
    - Click on Save adaption at the bottom
    The next time you click on the word list you will only be be taken through the words you picked out.
  • Grammar
    The type of exercise and the words you choose under each topic will be remembered, so you only need to click the GO! button. When you are practicing nouns and adjectives or pronouns the system continually produces new exercises based on you settings, so there is no need to change the settings every time
  • Tombola
    The system remembers the numbers of tickets and the tempo you play with, so you just click the start button to get going

Improvements of the PC version
The development of the smartphone version has brought about some news in the PC version as well.

  • Press/click on '+' to add words to repetition
    When you practice with the word lists or the grammar exercises you will find a + next to every exercise. Click this to add the exercise to repetition. You start the repetition when ever you want by clicking on start repetition at the top.
  • Improved design
    When choosing words or material for the exercises under My Studio, you will find that you now have a much better overview of the different categories. Click on the arrows to see all words under each category, or simply click show all. The numbers in parenthesis indicate the number of chosen words under each category.

Learn Italian online: Italian verb conjugations - Italian vocabulary - Italian grammar exercises - Italian pronunciation

Excerpt from newsletter 4/28/2011

Which verbs should I practice?
Where do I start?

We now have a function ready that will help you getting started and enable you to advance in a simpel and meaningful way. :-)

We have consulted a large study on the frequency of the Italian words: Lessico di frequenza della lingua italiana contemporanea (Garzanti, 1972).
Based on this we have arranged the verbs in accordance with the frequency by which they occur in the Italian language.
This new function thus makes it very easy to choose for example the ten most frequently used verbs:

1. essere
2. avere
3. fare
4. dire
5. potere
6. volere
7. sapere
8. dovere
9. andare
10. vedere

You freely define the interval from the about 200 verbs currently available on the site, and you can easily change the interval.

You will find the function in two places:
  1. When you practice the conjugation of the verbs
    • Log in
    • Click on a conjugation under My studio, My verbs
    • Click on choose by frequency
    • Follow the instructions
  2. When you practice the meaning of the verbs
    • Log in
    • Click on the word list verbs (in the left column)
    • Click on adapt
    • Click on choose by frequency
    • Follow the instructions
    • Finish at the bottom
NOTE: You can uncheck all verbs by clicking reset.
We hope this new feature will be useful to you!

Try out our online tools and learn the Italian verb conjugations and the meaning of the Italian verbs!

Excerpt from newsletter 3/13/2011

Learning the names of the numbers in Italian can actually be fun! :-)

Try out our new feature: Tombola! (Bingo!)

Remind me again, what is tombola?
When you click on the start button, Andrea Patucelli (our voice) begins to call out the numbers from 1 - 90 in a random order. If a number is represented on one of your tickets, then mark the number by clicking on it. When you have marked a full row, call out tombola! (and click on the tombola button).

You can control the following features:
  • Click on Validate continuously to have the system validate every number as you mark them. By doing this you will be corrected immediately if you make a mistake. You can also choose Only validate at Tombola!.
  • You can control the speed by which the numbers are called out by clicking on the bars to the left. You can do this at any time during the game and you can also pause the game completely.
  • You can jump to a previous number if you wish to hear it again. As this game is about learning the numbers we find it all right to cheat a little. ;-)
  • You can play with 1-5 tickets
  • You can unmark a number by clicking once more
A good piece of advice
Say the numbers out loud as you hear them. This will help you understand the numbers and you will practice the pronunciation as well.

And then the thing at the bottom written in fine print
There are no prizes or trophies to win...

If the numbers are new to you
- then we recommend that you start by practicing with the word list numbers (in the left column under verbs and vocabulary). Here you can choose the interval you wish to practice and advance gradually and at your own pace.

Learn the Italian numbers playing tombola!

Excerpt from newsletter 2/27/2011

We are happy to be able to present yet another extension of the pronoun function: You can now practice the double object pronouns!

The Italian double object pronouns
As with the accusative and dative pronouns, there are three types of exercises:
  1. Do il libro a Mario - Glielo do (replace)
  2. Compri le sigarette a Marta? - Sì, gliele compro (replace and answer)
  3. Mi porti la giacca? - Sì, te la porto (replace and answer)

You also have the option to write verb as well as pronoun and practice both at the same time.
The exercises can be in presente, passato prossimo, condizionale and futuro.
Here are some examples:
Insegni le regole ai ragazzi?Sì, gliele insegno (presente)
Ti hanno spiegato la legge?No, non me l'hanno spiegata (passato prossimo)
Comprereste i fiori alle ragazze?Si, glieli compreremmo (condizionale)
Ci leggerai la storia?Si, ve la leggerò (futuro)
To have exercises with double object pronouns, please do the following:
  • Go to www.lostudioitaliano.com
  • Click on grammar and Accusative and dative pronouns
  • Check one or more types of exercises under Double object pronouns
  • Check one ore more conjugations and, if desired, I write under Verbs
  • Click on Go!
We hope this new feature will be helpful to you!

Go to our online Italian grammar exercises and learn Italian pronouns, articles and inflexions of the nouns/adjectives!

Excerpt from newsletter 2/10/2011

We have now implemented the next step of the grammatical topic Accusative and dative pronouns: You can now practice Italian pronouns and verbs simultaneously!

The Italian accusative pronouns and passato prossimo
With this new function you can choose to write out the pronoun as well as the verb. This enables you to practice to agree the past participle with the accusative pronoun as in the following examples:
Hai mandato le lettere?Sì, le ho mandate
Avete mangiato la pizza?Sì, l'abbiamo mangiata
Hai lavato i piatti?No, non li ho lavati
To have exercises of this kind, please do the following:
  • Go to www.lostudioitaliano.com
  • Click on grammar and Accusative and dative pronouns
  • Check one or more types of exercises under Accusative
  • Check Passato prossimo and I write under Verbs
  • Click on Go!
Later you can try to add exercises from under Dative, and thereby mix exercises where the past participle must agree with the pronoun, with exercises where it should not agree with the pronoun:
Hai letto le favole?Sì, le ho lette
Hai letto le favole a Maria?Sì, le ho letto le favole

Choose from a number of conjugations
You can have exercises in presente, passato prossimo, condizionale and futuro.
It is a good idea to start with one conjugation at a time, but later you can mix them as in the following examples:
Portate i regali?Sì, li portiamo
Venderai la bicicletta a Luigi?No, non gli venderò la bicicletta
Hai letto la cartolina?No, non l'ho letta
Ci aiutereste?Sì, vi aiuteremmo
You will gain a lot from imagining a situation where the sentences could be said and then say them out loud. You will be practicing the pronouns as well as their position, the conjugation of the verbs and the general understanding of the sentences.

Advance step by step and avoid headache! ;-)
The new function offers many possibilities and ways to challenge yourself, and we highly recommend that you advance gradually at your own pace.
Start, for example, by choosing only one type of exercise and one conjugation. Then change to another type of exercise or conjugation. As you grow more familiar with the topic you can start combining.

Excerpt from newsletter 1/23/2011

We have received quite a lot of requests about exercises where you can practice the Italian accusative and dative pronouns.
Now we are finally able to meet your request and present this new tool. :-)

The Italian accusative and dative pronouns
Click on the menu grammar and you will find the tool in the left column.

When learning a new grammatical topic it is always a good idea to progress gradually. For this purpose the tool lets you choose type of pronoun, accusative or dative, as well as number, singular or plural. As you get familiar with the pronouns you can mix the options and challenge yourself further.

There are three types of exercises (here accusative):
  1. compra la bicicletta - la compra
  2. mangiate i panini? - sì, li mangiamo
  3. ci sentite? - sì, vi sentiamo

In type 1 and 2 you practice the pronouns in the 3rd person: lo, la, l', li, le
In type 3 you practice the pronouns in the 1st and the 2nd person: mi, ti, ci, vi

Likewise with the dative pronouns:
  1. telefono a Michele - gli telefono
  2. mandi la cartolina a Giulia? - sì, le mando la cartolina
  3. ti prepara gli spaghetti? - sì, mi prepara gli spaghetti

You can focus on óne particular type of exercise at a time or choose more types simultaneously.

Excerpt from newsletter 1/9/2011

We have a new word list ready for you that we hope will be helpful to you.

New word list:

short words
ogni, spesso, perciò, più, appena, già etc.
- all 90 words have attached audio files.
- you will find the list in the left column under word lists

Getting started with the list
The list is very long, so please adapt the list to fit your own needs:
- log in
- click on short words in the left column
- click on adapt
- uncheck all to unchoose all words
- check the words, you wish to practice with
- click on save adaption at the bottom

As you gradually learn the words, just click on adapt again and remove/add new words.

We are opening a new website!
Visit The Danish Study (www.thedanishstudy.com)
- where you can practice your Danish

Excerpt from newsletter 12/09/2010

We now have two new word lists ready for you.

New word lists:

We have made a list of the most common words:
perché, dove, quanto, chi, che cosa, come etc.
- there is audio for all words

fare expressions
fare la spesa, fare i compiti, fare il bucato, fare in tempo, avere da fare etc.
- there is audio for all expressions

You will find the lists in the left column under word lists.

Excerpt from newsletter 11/28/2010

We now have a couple of new word lists ready for you dealing with the names of different body parts.

New word lists:

capo, ginocchio, braccio, gomito, dito, sopracciglio etc.
- about 50 new words

body (sg-pl)
Here you can practice the plural forms of a number of body parts, e.g.:
la mano-le mani
il labbro-le labbra

(Almost) all the words have attached audio!
You will find the new lists in the left column under word lists.

Did you know...
- that you can easily adapt he word lists to fit your own needs (click on the list, then click adapt)
- that you can copy the list to My studio and edit it freely (click on adapt, then choose copy to My studio)

Excerpt from newsletter 11/07/2010

Practice Italian verbs across conjugations
When practicing the conjugations of the verbs you can now do this across conjugations.
You choose yourself which conjugations to include.
Everything is kept on one page to help you compare and remember the different conjugations.

Here is an example with the verb essere and the conjugations presente, imperfetto and condizionale:



You can also choose which persons you wish to include.
This is an example with only io and many conjugations:

passato prossimo
(io, f)sono stata




passato remoto

cong. presente

cong. imperfetto

Here is another example with only passato prossimo and all persons. Note the shift in gender from person to person:
passato prossimo
(io, f)
(tu, f)
(noi, m)
(voi, m)
(loro, f)
sono stata
sei stata
è stato
siamo stati
siete stati
sono state

There are lots of possibilities and ways to vary your practicing!
Try different combinations of persons and conjugations.
Use it to compare conjugations hard to distinguish.

Nice! How do I get started?
Just do the following:
- go to www.lostudioitaliano.com
- log in
- click on across conjugat. under My Studio, My verbs in the right column
- choose conjugations, persons and verbs
- click on the Go!-button

A tip to get you going:
When choosing the verbs under this function, all the verbs are listed alphabetically in just one big group.
This is due to the fact that verbs being irregular in one conjugation are not necessarily irregular in another conjugation.
If you wish to choose a specific group of verbs, e.g. all the are-verbs or the reflexive verbs, you can do this by clicking on another conjugation, for example stare + gerundio, under My verbs. Choose the verbs here and then transfer them to across conjugations.

Excerpt from newsletter 10/24/2010

When you click on a conjugation under My Studio, My verbs you will now find the following new functions, that will hopefully save you a lot of clicking:

  • Transfer
    You can now transfer your choise of verbs from one conjugation to another.
    If, for example, you have chosen a number of verbs under presente, and subsequently you would like to practice the same verbs in imperfetto or another conjugation, you can make use of this function and avoid having to choose alle the verbs again.
    Just click on transfer and choose the conjugation to which you wish the verbs transferred.
    Finish by clicking the Transfer-button next to the drop-down list.
    Please note: Earlier settings under the conjugation transferred to will be overwritten

  • Reset
    Make use of this function to deselect all verbs with just one click.
    Please note: To save your settings you need to click the Go!-button.

Use the functions under My verbs to practice in a focused and structured way. Choose the verbs you are working with, then the system will remember your settings, and you will just need to click the Go!-button, every time you log in.

Excerpt from newsletter 10/10/2010

Lots of new Italian verbs!
We have updated the collection of verbs under each conjugation.
ConjugationNumber of new verbs
passato prossimo10
passato remoto136
cong presente150
cong imperfetto166
stare + gerundio49
This means that the total number of verbs under each conjugation is just over 200.

Which verbs have audio attached?
Now you can easily find the verbs with attached audio.
- click on a conjugation, for example presente, in the left column
- click on show audio at the top of the second column
All verbs with audio will then be marked.

Also when you choose your verbs under My Studio, my verbs, verbs with audio will be marked.

Excerpt from newsletter 10/03/2010

As we wrote in our last newsletter, we have been preparing a longer list of adjectives. Here it comes!

New word list:

malato, pesante, lento, buio, debole osv.
- all 150 words have attached audio.
- you will find the list in the left column under word lists

Getting started with the list
The list is very long, and the idea is that you start by picking out a smaller number of words. It only takes a few seconds and it will make your practicing much more efficient:
- log in
- click on adjectives in the left column
- click on adapt
- uncheck all to unchoose all words
- check the adjectives, you wish to practice with, for example 5-10 words
- click on save adaption at the bottom

As you gradually learn the words, just click on adapt again and remove/add new adjectives.

Excerpt from newsletter 09/26/2010

Now you can practice the meaning of the Italian adjectives!
We have made a new word list with a number of common adjectives, ready for use:

adjectives (short)
freddo, giovane, leggero, facile, ricco...
- All words (about 40) have audio attached
- You will find it in the left column under word lists

We are currently working on a longer list of adjectives with an additional 100 words. This will be available shortly.

Please remember...
- that you can easily adapt he word lists to fit your own needs (click on the list, then click adapt)
- that you can always get the right answer by pressing the Ctrl key
- that you can copy the list to My studio and edit it freely (click on adapt, then choose copy to My studio)
- to use the repeat function (press Shift + Enter). By focusing and repeating you will learn a lot faster.
- that you have quick access to the audio by clicking show alphabetically

Excerpt from newsletter 09/12/2010

We have added new flexibility to the word list function that gives you new possibilities. You can now add comments to the words in such a way that the audio is still available.

What do you mean?
Well, for example, if you have created a word list containing a word pair that looks like this (under edit):


Then the audio for notte will be available, and everything is good.
But if you at the same time wish to practice the gender of notte and therefore write:

night:una notte

- then the audio will disappear because the system will be looking for the audio for una notte, which we do not have.

And what is then the solution to this?
You simply put the comment in parenthesis before or after the word:

night:(una) notte
night:notte (f)

- then the audio will be available and notte will still be accepted as an answer by the control.
If you have more answers you can add comments to each answer:

teacher:insegnante (m/f), maestro (m)

Excerpt from newsletter 08/29/2010

Now you have direct access to the audio in the word lists:

  • Audio on show alphabetically
    When you click on a word list the function show alphabetically comes up. By clicking on this, all words in the list will be made visible - now with direct access to the audio.
    All words with available audio will be in blue, and you just click on them to hear the pronunciation.
Did you know...
- that also when you create your own word lists with words of your own choise, audio will be available to each word, as long as the word is in our database.
Presently there are more than 2800 audio files available.

Excerpt from newsletter 08/15/2010

We are happy to inform you about the following improvements on the site:

  • Getting started
    We have made a small guide that will give you a quick overview of the tools on the site and get you started.
    Read it here
  • Repeat function in the grammar section
    When working with grammar, you can now add the exercises causing you trouble to a repetition list. You do this by pressing Shift+Enter just after the exercise in question.
  • New type of grammar exercise (nouns+adjectives)
    You can now choose a new type of exercise when you are practicing the inflexions of the nouns and the adjectives. The exercise consists in making sentences from given words. Ex:
    (sg) piazza, bello - la piazza è bella
    (pl) ragazza, giovane - le ragazze sono giovani
    Sg=singular, pl=plural

Learn Italian online
Italian verb exercises
Italian grammar exercises
Exercises with the Italian reflexive verbs
Learn Italian passato prossimo
Learn Italian language
Learn Italian pronouns
Learn Italian direct object pronouns
Learn Italian indirect object pronouns
Learn Italian double object pronouns
Learn Italian possessive pronouns
Learn how to conjugate essere, avere, fare, stare, potere, dovere, volere
Learn Italian numbers
Italian tombola / bingo
How to learn Italian
Learn basic Italian
Italian learning app
Learn languages
Italian verb drills
Italian vocab
Italian adjectives
Italian adjective agreement
Italian for beginners
Italian pronunciation
The Italian conjugations: presente, condizionale, futuro, imperfetto, passato remoto, congiuntivo presente, congiuntivo imperfetto, stare + gerundio
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All you need to do is to open the browser on your device and go to www.lostudioitaliano.com.
The system will automatically detect your device and direct you to the version (web app) matching your screen size.
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