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On With this setting turned on you proceed from one exercise to another by clicking the button next. We recommend this setting for at calmer screen dsiplay. Please note: You can hit the enter key instead of clicking the button.
Off When the setting is turned off the exercises are displayed automatically one after another without a pause.
Green: Number of correct answers
Red: Number of wrong answers
Black: Total number of exercises
Underline: When a number increases, it is underlined
The system counts like this:
Right answer
- when the answer is correct
- when the field is empty
Wrong answer
- when the field contains a wrong answer
You can correct the numbers yourself
Click on the red and green numbers next to Now to make a correction.
Remember to save your score
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To keep the old best score you just do not save the new one.
Here you will learn to master the Italian passato prossimo tense! This site offers lots of exercises on passato prossimo for beginners as well as advanced learners. Below you will find an overwiev of the exercises available.
Drills and exercises with passato prossimo
To learn efficiently it is important to have exercises matching your level. This system offers you full control of the level of difficulty and allows you to make your own progession. You can choose from working with regular or irregular verbs and from avere or essere as auxiliary verb. You will find 511 verbs to practice with!
Passato prossimo with avere as auxiliary verb
You can start by practicing only regular verbs: (type in the field and click on check)
*vedere (noi, m)***i musei*abbiamo visto i musei*abbiamo visto i musei****abbiamo visto,*0,*****160px**vedere = see museo = museum **vedere;passato prossimo*
*venire (noi, f)***in macchina*siamo venute in macchina*siamo venute in macchina****siamo venute,*0,*****160px**venire = come macchina = car **venire;passato prossimo*
*svegliarsi (tu, f)***presto?*ti sei svegliata presto?*ti sei svegliata presto?****ti sei svegliata,*0,*****160px**svegliarsi = wake up presto = early, fast, soon **svegliarsi;passato prossimo*
*divertirsi (io, m)***molto*mi sono divertito molto*mi sono divertito molto****mi sono divertito,*0,*****160px**divertirsi = enjoy oneself, have fun molto = a lot **divertirsi;passato prossimo*
*alzarsi (lui)***alle 7?*si è alzato alle 7?*si è alzato alle 7?****si è alzato,*0,*****160px**alzarsi = get up, rise alle 7 = at 7 o'clock **alzarsi;passato prossimo*
You can also mix different types of verbs! Please see below
Mixed exercises with different kinds of verbs
As you grow more confident with the different kategories of verbs you can start mixing them in your drills. Then you will be challenged to remember whether the auxiliary verb should be avere or essere and if the past participle is regular or irregular.
*andare (voi, f)***in autobus?*siete andate in autobus?*siete andate in autobus?****siete andate,*0,*****160px**andare = go autobus = bus **andare;passato prossimo*
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