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ERROR: The site was unable to play back audio. In order to solve the problem we kindly ask you to update Adope Flash Player on your computer to the latest version. If you already have the latest version, you can try to reinstall it. Also make sure that Flash is not deactivated in your browser.
On With this setting turned on you proceed from one exercise to another by clicking the button next. We recommend this setting for at calmer screen dsiplay. Please note: You can hit the enter key instead of clicking the button.
Off When the setting is turned off the exercises are displayed automatically one after another without a pause.
Green: Number of correct answers
Red: Number of wrong answers
Black: Total number of exercises
Underline: When a number increases, it is underlined
The system counts like this:
Right answer
- when the answer is correct
- when the field is empty
Wrong answer
- when the field contains a wrong answer
You can correct the numbers yourself
Click on the red and green numbers next to Now to make a correction.
Remember to save your score
When you have done your exercises, you are offered to save the score as the best score.
To keep the old best score you just do not save the new one.
Learn Italian grammar online! This learning tool offers efficient online exercises on Italian grammar for beginners as well as advanced users.
The system gives you full control of the level of difficulty and you can progress as you please and at your own pace. All execises come with a translation of the vocabulary allowing you to practice freely without the need of a dictionary.
In the grammar section (top menu) you can practice the following grammatical topics. Click on show exercises to see and try out some examples:
*la figlia è interessante****le figlie sono interessanti*le figlie sono interessanti*figlia*interessante********180px*helesaetninger*figlia = daughter interessante = interesting ***
cameriera = maid, waitress, chambermaid bello = beautiful
*la cameriera è bella****le cameriere sono belle*le cameriere sono belle*cameriera*bello********180px*helesaetninger*cameriera = maid, waitress, chambermaid bello = beautiful ***
*studiate la situazione?**no, non *studiamo*no, non la studiamo*no, non la studiamo***********svar*studiare = study situazione = situation *la*studiare;presente*
You can access Lo Studio Italiano on smartphone and tablet (iOS/Android).
All you need to do is to open the browser on your device and go to
The system will automatically detect your device and direct you to the version (web app) matching your screen size.
There is nothing to download or install on your device.