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Welcome to Lo Studio Italiano! This site is dedicated to help yor learn Italian offering online Italian verb drills, grammar exercises on all levels - and much more!
Below you will find a presentation of the verb drills available:
Italian verb drills in all conjugations
You can practice with more than 500 Italian verbs in all conjugations.
Example: How do you conjugate essere (to be) in presente (present tense)?
Fill in the right form of the verb and click on check.
You can be tested in multiple conjugations at one time. You choose yourself which verbs, persons and conjugations to include in the exercises. In the example below you are tested in the 1. and 2. person of avere (to have) in three conjugations:
Tip: Click on the blue words to have the audio played back again
Italian verb drills with complete sentences
In these exercises, you are challenged to insert the verb in just one (randomly selected) person. You will at the same time get familiar with a lot of common expressions and fixed phrases. In the examples below, you insert the verb in presente:
*lavorare (lui)***a casa*lavora a casa*lavora a casa****lavora,*0,*****160px**lavorare = work a casa = home, at home **lavorare;presente*
Tip: Say the sentences out loud as you practice
Italian verb drills with questions and answers
In these drills you are challenged to recognize the conjugation used in the question and then fill in the verb in the answer. You decide which conjugations to include in the exercises. Below we have chosen presente, condizionale and imperfetto. Try to fill in the right form of the verb in the answer:
*dove siete andati?***al cinema*siamo andati al cinema*siamo andati al cinema***siete andati*siamo andati,*0,*******dove = where andare = go cinema = cinema **andare;passato prossimo*
*cosa fareste?***la spesa*faremmo la spesa*faremmo la spesa***fareste*faremmo,*0,*******cosa = thing, what fare = do fare la spesa = do the shopping **fare;condizionale*
*dove sei?***in ufficio*sono in ufficio*sono in ufficio***sei*sono,*0,*******dove = where essere = be ufficio = office **essere;presente*
Tip: Click on the three lines to have the conjugation displayed
Rewrite Italian verbs from singular to plural
Here you are challenged to recognize the verb form and rewrite it from singular to plural form (or vice versa).
You can work with one conjugation at a time as in the following examples in presente:
*scrivo un testamento***un testamento*scriviamo un testamento*scriviamo un testamento***scrivo*scriviamo,*0,*****160px**scrivere = write testamento = will **scrivere;presente*
*aprite le finestre?***le finestre?*apri le finestre?*apri le finestre?***aprite*apri,*0,*****160px**aprire = open finestra = window **aprire;presente*
*guardiamo la vetrina***la vetrina*guardo la vetrina*guardo la vetrina***guardiamo*guardo,*0,*****160px**guardare = look at, watch vetrina = window **guardare;presente*
Or you can include multiple conjugations and thereby be challenged to recognize the conjugation as well.
In the following examples we have chosen presente, condizionale and imperfetto:
*prendereste la macchina?***la macchina?*prenderesti la macchina?*prenderesti la macchina?***prendereste*prenderesti,*0,*****160px**prendere = take macchina = car **prendere;condizionale*
*vai in montagna?***in montagna?*andate in montagna?*andate in montagna?***vai*andate,*0,*****160px**andare = go montagna = mountain **andare;presente*
That's it!
Change conjugation
Here you are challenged to rewrite a sentence changing the Italian verb from one conjugation to another.
In the following examples we have chosen to rewrite from presente to passato prossimo:
*prendono un taxi?*(m)**un taxi?*hanno preso un taxi?*hanno preso un taxi?***prendono*hanno preso,*0,*****160px**prendere = take taxi = taxi **prendere;presente,passato prossimo*
*aprite il cancello?*(f)**il cancello?*avete aperto il cancello?*avete aperto il cancello?***aprite*avete aperto,*0,*****160px**aprire = open cancello = gate **aprire;presente,passato prossimo*
*leggiamo un romanzo*(f)**un romanzo*abbiamo letto un romanzo*abbiamo letto un romanzo***leggiamo*abbiamo letto,*0,*****160px**leggere = read romanzo = novel **leggere;presente,passato prossimo*
Also in these exercises you can choose to include multiple conjugations making recognition of the conjugation a part of the exercise. Here we have chosen to rewrite from futuro, condizionale and imperfetto to presente:
*arrivava in orario***in orario*arriva in orario*arriva in orario***arrivava*arriva,*0,*****160px**arrivare = arrive in orario = on time, on schedule **arrivare;imperfetto,presente*
*mangiare (tu, f)***a casa?*hai mangiato a casa?*hai mangiato a casa?****hai mangiato,*0,*****160px**mangiare = eat a casa = home, at home **mangiare;passato prossimo*
We have put together a word list holding the meaning of more than 500 Italian verbs.
You can pick out the ones you would like to learn and practice them.
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